Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let me Introduce Myself

I am a new suburban housewife. This is not how I pictured myself ten years ago, but here I am. In suburbia. I have one child (an infant), a four bedroom home in a nice neighborhood, with a dog and an SUV. How much more suburbia can you get? This is definitely not how I expected my life to turn out, but this is where the long and winding road has taken me. I was not the little girl who dreamed of being a stay at home mom, housewife, etc. I thought that I would be able to balance a career and be a good wife and mother. That sounds like the typical modern woman right? Please don't misunderstand, I am certainly not suggesting that there is anything wrong with being a housewife or what I am doing, it's just not what I expected. Kudos to all the ladies out there doing the same thing, cause let me tell ya, it's not as easy as you think. And I'm just at the beginning. My brother says you are not truly a parent until you have more than one child. I am inclined to agree with him. With one you know exactly who did it and who to punish. I mean really, there are only so many things you can blame on the dog. Besides, after a while the dog is going to start wising up and avoid being anywhere near the scene of the crime.

So this is where I will tell the tales of suburbia (as I see them). I doubt it will be anything like Desperate Housewives, but you never can tell. I will try not to bore you with my daily battle against dirt and grime, but stories of the false boobs, tight jeaned, haute mamas of suburbia who may or may not be living their dream. Oh, and I can't guarantee that I won't take some creative liberties, but names will be changed to protect the innocent . . . or the guilty.