Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thoughts on Daily Life

Okay, I have a confession. I really have no idea what I'm doing with all of this. The other night I was putting the baby to bed and I have to be honest I actually started to cry and think that perhaps I made a mistake having a baby since I am completely clueless on what to do with him. In addition, I am trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing with myself. Should I be cleaning, filing, organizing, what?

I got all excited the other day because a new crockpot cookbook was coming out and decided that I had to have it. Really? Seriously? Yes, it's true. I vacuum my house at least twice a week and I have even kept up with watering my plants. Now granted, I only have one child and he is very young, but shouldn't I be doing something more?

Well, I am excited to report that I am going to participate in the National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) starting on Nov. 1 and I will try to write 50,000 words by the end of the month. We'll see how it goes, I am keeping my goals rather low so I am not terribly disappointed with myself. I have no grandiose aspirations of being the next John Grisham, or Dan Brown (haha), but I just really like to tell stories. Lately I have been having these weird ghostly dreams so I may have to work on those tales a bit. And I also have had some strange ideas surrounding vampires (which btw I have had for about 8-10 years so I am not jumping on the bandwagon). Because of all of the vampire lit coming out I am not sure I want to venture into that market since I am concerned it may be oversaturated. I am also toying with some real life based suburban mom stuff, but as you can tell from my anemic (at best) postings I have not had as much time to write as I would like.

That's about all for now. I have to go and fold some laundry. 10 o'clock at night and I am concerned about sheets getting wrinkled in the dryer. What am I doing??? Oh and I am trying to figure out what to make for dinners over the next couple of days. What's that? Meal planning? I must be on drugs.

Oh, speaking of drugs, I actually got into a small online debate about the flu shot today. I don't understand the whole paranoia surrounding the flu shot. I have gotten a flu shot for the last 4 years consistently. It would have been longer, but there was one year of a shortage and it was not available for me to get one. Apparently there are people who fear that we will all fall victim to horrible side effects from the shots. Frankly if you research the incidence of SERIOUS side effects they are few and far between and could be attributed to a maelstrom effect due to numerous other issues in conjunction with the flu shot. Anyway, I could not believe that I was actually taking the time (albeit about 20 minutes) to debate about the incidence of dystonia in people who have received the seasonal flu shot.

Oh well, such is the life. Now back to my laundry. Perhaps tomorrow I will mop the kitchen, and finish some sewing. So much for fighting off the stereotypes.

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